Audio / Video

Benson Fong interview on his career in the motion picture industry conducted by Frank Chin, Nathan Lee, and Jeff Chop for the Combined Asian American Resources Project, 1970 May 9

  • Tape 1, Side A
  • Tape 1, Side B
  • Tape 2, Side A
  • Tape 2, Side B
  • Tape 3



Benson Fong interview on his career in the motion picture industry conducted by Frank Chin, Nathan Lee, and Jeff Chop for the Combined Asian American Resources Project, 1970 May 9


Interviewee. Fong, Benson.

Interviewer. Lee, Nathan.

Interviewer. Chop, Jeff.


Combined Asian American Resources Project.

Full Collection Name

California Audiovisual Preservation Project

Other Identifiers


Subject (Topic)

Motion picture industry.




Oral histories.


The Library

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Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (


California AV Project


cubanc_000312_t01_a_access.mp3 Tape 1, Side A

cubanc_000312_t01_b_access.mp3 Tape 1, Side B

cubanc_000312_t02_a_access.mp3 Tape 2, Side A

cubanc_000312_t02_b_access.mp3 Tape 2, Side B

cubanc_000312_t03_access.mp3 Tape 3

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