Audio / Video

The Governor's Office under Goodwin Knight

Audio Player
  • Tape 1, Side A
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  • Tape 1, Side B
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  • Tape 2, Side A
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  • Tape 2, Side B
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  • Tape 3
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  • Tape 4, Side A
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  • Tape 4, Side B
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  • Tape 5, Side A
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  • Tape 5, Side B
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  • Tape 6, Side A
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  • Tape 6, Side B
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  • Tape 7, Side A
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  • Tape 7, Side B
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  • Tape 8, Side A
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  • Tape 8, Side B
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  • Tape 9, Side A
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  • Tape 9, Side B
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  • Tape 10, Side A
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  • Tape 10, Side B
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  • Tape 11, Side A
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  • Tape 11, Side B
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  • Tape 12, Side A
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  • Tape 12, Side B
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  • Tape 13
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  • Tape 14, Side A
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  • Tape 14, Side B
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  • Tape 15, Side A
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  • Tape 15, Side B
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  • Tape 16, Side A
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  • Tape 16, Side B
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  • Tape 17


Interviews with five staff members. Interviewees (copies of photographs and of documentary material inserted), and titles of interviews, as follows: Douglas Barrett. Goodwin Knight's Governor's Office, 1953-1958, and the Youth Authority, 1958-1965. Press secretary and personal friend. Tom M. Bright. The Governor's Office of Goodwin J. Knight, 1953-1958. Departmental secretary and press secretary. Sadie Perlin Groves. A Career as Private Secretary to Goodwin Knight, 1952-1958. Maryalice Lemmon. Working in the Governor's Office, 1950-1959. Working in secretarial capacities for Governors Earl Warren and Pat Brown also. Paul Mason. Covering the Legislature for Governor Goodwin J. Knight. Executive and legislative secretary. Comments also on California water plan and liquor lobby. All interviewees comment on inner workings of the governor's office, the transition from the Warren administration, contrasts with Warren, Knight as governor and politician, and the campaigns in which he was involved, including the 1958 gubernatorial campaign. Phonotape 1373 C:1-5, Douglas Barrett; Phonotape 1373 C:6-7: Tom M. Bright; Phonotape 1373 C:8-13: Paul Mason; Phonotape 4026 C:1-2: Sadie Perlin Groves; Phonotape 4026 C:3-4: Maryalice Lemmon.



The Governor's Office under Goodwin Knight


interviewer. Sharp, Sarah L. 1949-(Sara Lee),

interviewee. Barrett, Douglas,

interviewee. Bright, Tom M. 1907-(Tom Moores),

interviewee. Groves, Sadie Perlin,

interviewee. Lemmon, Maryalice,

interviewee. Mason, Paul,

interviewer. Rowland, James H.,


Bancroft Library. Regional Oral History Office.

Full Collection Name

California Audiovisual Preservation Project

Other Identifiers


Subject (Person)

Knight, Goodwin, 1896-1970.

Warren, Earl, 1891-1974.

Brown, Earl A., 1917-

Subject (Corporate)

Republican Party (Calif.)

California Youth Authority.

California. Governor.

Subject (Topic)

Water resources development California.

Alcohol Law and legislation--California.

Geographic Coverage

California Politics and government.

Californie Politique et gouvernement.

United States--California--Berkeley.




Oral histories.


The Library

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California AV Project


cabeuroh_000244_t01_a_access.mp3 Tape 1, Side A

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cabeuroh_000244_t11_a_access.mp3 Tape 11, Side A

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cabeuroh_000244_t12_a_access.mp3 Tape 12, Side A

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cabeuroh_000244_t13_access.mp3 Tape 13

cabeuroh_000244_t14_a_access.mp3 Tape 14, Side A

cabeuroh_000244_t14_b_access.mp3 Tape 14, Side B

cabeuroh_000244_t15_a_access.mp3 Tape 15, Side A

cabeuroh_000244_t15_b_access.mp3 Tape 15, Side B

cabeuroh_000244_t16_a_access.mp3 Tape 16, Side A

cabeuroh_000244_t16_b_access.mp3 Tape 16, Side B

cabeuroh_000244_t17_access.mp3 Tape 17

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